Copy of ABOUT US

The Kiwa story begins, as most stories begin with a person and a calling to change the world! At the begining we were five employees and all we had was basic machinery to produce plantain chips and a room full of dreams. That morning we prayed and asked God to help us in this journey. It took us one year and a half to figure out what exactly we were going to do, implement the basics and start selling.
On December 2009 we launched Kiwa´s first package: Kiwa Vegetable Chips Mix, which is still our best-seller. Today Kiwa is a global brand of premium vegetable chips with its products sold in over thirty countries. We wanted our vegetable chips to be worthy of people who shared our values. And we are proud to work directly with farmers in eight of Ecuador's 24 provinces and northern regions of Peru.
We pride ourselves in working under two social and environmental guidelines that ensure a wholesome relationship with our partners, and with nature.
This certification works by avoiding intermediaries and establishing a direct connection between farmers and manufacturing companies. Its goal is to establish a trusting, long-term relationship between both parties, in order to ensure better working conditions, technical support and a higher pay for the farmers >>
We have worked hard to shift from traditional agricultural practices that involve the use of chemicals, machined harvest and monocropping, to a healthier, regenerative agriculture. The use of natural compost, conservation tillage and crop rotation avoids desertification, a lower quality of raw materials, and allows the soil to rest, increases its nutrients as well as captures the atmosphere’s carbon. Know more about our HUBS Project >>


"What has driven us from the beginning, has been to positively impact the communities and regions in which our raw materials grow, as well as crafting premium, vibrant and delicious products that foster wellness to people worldwide. Our philosophy continues to be to close the gap between farmers and consumers, promoting a shared value, as well as responsible and sustainable products. We truly hope you enjoy our Kiwa products, and welcome you into a natural life."


-Martin Acosta, Founder & CEO.



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